Rachel Ray is like Milli Vanilli.
Apparently millions of people love her and buy her books. I just can’t seem to find anyone who will admit it. As far as innovation goes, she gets a zero in my book, and that’s only because I haven’t found a way to give someone negative points. She has been warming things in microwaves, and opening cans of this and that while flapping around like a cartoon Swedish chef for years, and for some reason housewives and the unimaginative applaud her ferociously for it.
What has she done for food? What has she done for the American Cuisine? Rachel Ray is a galvanization of all that is wrong with our throw away fast-food nation. She even endorsed Burger King! Come on!
I even saw her glistening cleavage, all rubbed down with “EVOO” in an issue of FHM Magazine where she was posing half naked on the counter and going down on a strawberry. And this is American’s new queen of the kitchen?!?
If Julia Child were alive and Martha Stewart weren’t afraid of a parole violation, I am sure they would jump her, one holding her arms while the other beat her with a Boos Block.
Now, that would be good TV!
you're retarded...
Your jealousy is showing.
She's not the queen of the kitchen you moron. she's simply hot.
'American Cuisine' is nothing more than fusion. We're influenced by every other culture in the world. Half our recipes are modified english or french cuisine. What is original was mostly invented by the cultures which were brought here as slaves or cheap labor and invented new food with what meager provisions were at hand. Ill admit, I dont think RR does anything new, but who does? There's nothing new to be made it's all modification and fusion. 'Throw away fast food'? I dont see her making corn dogs, the few times Ive seen her cook it was italian with a twist. If you've seen her more than I have maybe you can say differently but then, what would that say about you; the one who professes to despise her methodology? And besides 90% of those who watch her do it because she's 'hot' I dont see it, I'd say average at best, plain at worst. Hmm it seems I've encountered everything from game fanboys to film snobs to music snobs, but I never thought I'd see the day there was a food snob. Heh, next thing you know some one's going to be offended by the way I tie my shoes.
Rachel Ray is not a chef. DUH! She's the first one to say that she is not trained as a chef. So, gee, maybe she's not trying to make "an impact on American cuisine"! Maybe she just likes to cook, has some shortcut ideas, and people appreciate being able to get a full meal on the table in 30 minutes or less. Sheesh... how dare her.
PS - I have one of her cookbooks, (and I am actually a bit of a foodie), but I don't cook gourmet meals on a daily basis... and I bet you don't either. So stop trying to be a food snob and TRY a few of her recipes before judging her.
Have you tried one of her recipes?
As if Martha was a real-time chef. Kiss my ass, as if you can put your dish in the oven and **Voila!** Its done! At least Rach realizes that shortcuts need to happen.
And no. Martha "I should've rotted in jail." Stewart does not live in my house and she never will. Praise Jesus.
you're an idiot. she should be respected at least the inspiration she puts in people everywhere. i think she's awesome. easy with the jealousy.
You're gay, too.
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